The Tutorial:
To achieve this design all you need is a regular white nail polish, and a blue striper nail polish. The striper I used is from Walmart and was really inexpensive and works great!
After letting the white dry for a few minutes, you can start on the blue "swan". First draw a line of blue along the edge of the white polish. Let the line come to a point about 3/4 of the way across your nail. This can be achieved by slowly pulling the brush tip away from the nail as you draw the line. Once the first line is drawn, you will draw the top line. Start at the same corner as the first line, and draw at a 45 degree angle so that the line is being drawn towards the centre of your nail. Before reaching the centre, create a hook by looping up and back towards the corner where the line started. To finish off the design, draw a line between the first two, again bringing the line to a point about 3/4 of the way across.
Repeat this on each nail and add a top coat if you wish. For a topcoat, remember to use a thick coat so that the brush does not pull on the design and ruin it. The brush should not actually touch the nail as you apply the top coat.
Simple, but looks glamorous!